Monday, January 16, 2012

Too Much

I have had too much bad lately...I just want to crawl into a hole and stay there...I am hoping that things turn out better really soon!!

With that said I hope that (even though it's late) I will be able to start back up on my weight loss plan. Hopefully starting tomorrow I will be using this for the reason I set it up...For today I'm Vegging and staying still...

Blessed Be


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Which way is up? Someone please tell me...

How can someone be pushed aside for so long, get treated badly and still press on with things? I live this life everyday. If it was not for my wonderful husband, my great kiddo and my non-blood family I would be lost. I feel as if I have been pushed aside, walked on and otherwise mistreated. I try to do nice things for everyone, I go out of my way to help people and I get treated like yesterday's trash. How long must one person get treated this way before they finally lose control to hold their feelings back? I am at my breaking point and I can't even hold my emotions in any longer. I no longer want to help people, even family. I can't get over how I can do nice things and still get walked on all the time. I will no longer be this person, starting tomorrow I will leave the drama that others cause out of my life. I will concentrate on the people in my life that matter and the one's that cause the problems I will ignore. Tomorrow I am starting my new workout/weight loss plan so I can better myself first.

Is it wrong that I want to start over? Is it wrong to not want the issues that have been brought up? When I need a place or a person to vent to should I not have freedom of speech after fighting for it?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Start of a Brand New Adventure

I started some new things today, stood up for someone and managed to keep my cool when things went south (with a little help). I am excited to move on from what I was to what I will be. I am starting a workout this coming Monday in hopes to lose 60 pounds by next Christmas. It will be a a healthy loss of weight so losing it should have results of not making it come back. Healthy foods and a good work out program I should be able to make a life change that will be better. Starting Monday this will not only be my thoughts, but I will also be posting my morning weight, foods I intake and my workouts for the day. If it shows to be working I hope that my progress will assist someone else!

Other interesting things for today's thought would be that I started couponing. I managed to fill a basket worth $257 and only paid $150.27. So it was well worth it. Everything was healthy and I filled up the basket with those healthy foods to eat.

Positive outlook for me on my journey to lose weight and hopefully become healthy, to add to this I hope that I will be able to jump start my body to do what it should be doing. This should allow for my husband and I to have another child (which is wanted).