Sunday, January 8, 2012

Which way is up? Someone please tell me...

How can someone be pushed aside for so long, get treated badly and still press on with things? I live this life everyday. If it was not for my wonderful husband, my great kiddo and my non-blood family I would be lost. I feel as if I have been pushed aside, walked on and otherwise mistreated. I try to do nice things for everyone, I go out of my way to help people and I get treated like yesterday's trash. How long must one person get treated this way before they finally lose control to hold their feelings back? I am at my breaking point and I can't even hold my emotions in any longer. I no longer want to help people, even family. I can't get over how I can do nice things and still get walked on all the time. I will no longer be this person, starting tomorrow I will leave the drama that others cause out of my life. I will concentrate on the people in my life that matter and the one's that cause the problems I will ignore. Tomorrow I am starting my new workout/weight loss plan so I can better myself first.

Is it wrong that I want to start over? Is it wrong to not want the issues that have been brought up? When I need a place or a person to vent to should I not have freedom of speech after fighting for it?

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