Friday, January 6, 2012

Start of a Brand New Adventure

I started some new things today, stood up for someone and managed to keep my cool when things went south (with a little help). I am excited to move on from what I was to what I will be. I am starting a workout this coming Monday in hopes to lose 60 pounds by next Christmas. It will be a a healthy loss of weight so losing it should have results of not making it come back. Healthy foods and a good work out program I should be able to make a life change that will be better. Starting Monday this will not only be my thoughts, but I will also be posting my morning weight, foods I intake and my workouts for the day. If it shows to be working I hope that my progress will assist someone else!

Other interesting things for today's thought would be that I started couponing. I managed to fill a basket worth $257 and only paid $150.27. So it was well worth it. Everything was healthy and I filled up the basket with those healthy foods to eat.

Positive outlook for me on my journey to lose weight and hopefully become healthy, to add to this I hope that I will be able to jump start my body to do what it should be doing. This should allow for my husband and I to have another child (which is wanted).

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